18 June 2011

To sort

Again, because I love words and definitions and ideas and so many other literary things, you get another blog post about a definition, but this one comes along with an idea.

This time is around is the word 'sort' and the idea of 'sorting out'.

The first definition I liked while referencing dictionary.com (did I tell you how much I love dictionary.com? A lot!!) was numbers 7, 8 & 9 as pictured below.

These definitions are as follows:

- To arrange according to sort, kind, or class.
- To separate or take from other sorts or from others.
- To assign to a particular class, group, or place.

I'm at a time in my life where I'm doing some sorting. I'm arranging, separating and assigning things - thoughts and some of my past. I'm working though the sorting with help of some great friends and although the process will be lengthy, the sorting needs to be done in order for me to proceed with my life's next step.

Along the same lines as the word 'sort' is the idea of 'sorting out'. I really, really loved the definitions dictionary.com had to offer on this idea. These definitions are as follows:

- Evolve; develop; turn out.
- To put in order; clarify.

These definitions really resonated with me when I read them. I liked that it says 'evolve.' The idea of evolving is exciting. I also liked that it was followed by 'develop' and 'turn out.'. I hope I do develop through this sorting out process and come out stronger and more orderly with some things clarified.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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