07 October 2008

First Article in UVU Review!!

This may not be super exciting to many of you, but for me it was my dream job starting to come true! This semester I was told during two of my journalism classes that anyone can sign up to write for UVU's campus newspaper which is titled "UVU Review". I thought about it for a few weeks into the semester and decided if I could actually handle it this semester with the little bit of time I actually have. Finially I went and signed up to be on the staff and to work on the sports writing staff. It took me another week to beable to balance my time so that I could write weekly for the rest of the semester. Last week I was assigned my topic and went to do my first interview. It went well, got some great quotes and information from my interviewee. Went home, started to write my article and got worried that my article was going to suck! So I put it asside and picked it up the next day and everything worked out really well. Monday when the issue came out my first article was inside that glorious paper. I was so excited to see my name and the work I had done to put that article together! If any of you are interested to see it, go to www.uvureview.com, click on sports and scoll down 3 stories and there I am!


Kim said...

How exciting! That was a great article. Well Done, I look forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

It was a great article Kira!!!! It's so much fun to write. I'm glad that are writing with us.